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WEBCAST: The Impact of New Federal Circuit Akamai Decision Resetting Standards for Induced and Divided Infringement

October 11, 2012

Join us for a live webcast on Thursday, October 11, 2012 from 12:00 - 1:00pm EST.

The Federal Circuit, in its August 31, 2012 en banc Akamai decision, set new standards for induced infringement, but failed to resolve the question of direct infringement by multiple actors, sometimes referred to as divided infringement.  The result is that the standards for multi-party litigation remain unclear.

This webcast will review the development of the induced and divided infringement standards, examine the court's decision in detail, including the possibility of Supreme Court review,  and detail what impact the Akamai decision will have on future patent litigation.

What You Will Learn

  • Under new standards, a broad range of business activity can now be considered to be induced patent infringement.
  • The Court declined to rule en banc on the standards for direct infringement with multiple parties, and thus uncertainty remains.
  • See how the broad standards for inducement can conflict with the more exacting standards for divided infringement and how different defenses may apply to each.